It has been said problems are character building. Building blocks can become stepping stones. We can likely provide solution that will handle many problems at once. This is the ideal. The best of these is simply being Soul, a spiritual being, and being soulful, we find the source, and the best primary priority. That always works. It may just mean being aware as much as a human can, and doing the right thing.
The following list of SOLUTIONS is meant to provide both clarity and valuable insight. It is meant to inspire and transpire toward realization. Taking the list INTO YOUR OWN ORDER;
ENERGY, ECONOMNICS, & ENVIRONMENT - Establish a Home Investment Subsidy of SOLAR or Alternative ENERGY to supply income producing private energy supply, National business incentive of supply for demand, and high end executive investment in the good of the whole. This three step coverage, uses top end salary and profit to re-invest in our energy "present". It will gain in pocket for both business and home owners, and working people, and save the environment energy and economics while limiting oil dependency to a greater extent. Energy reduction and value of non-polluting is equal to the value of growth. It is time we saw this coordination and value all elements and each aspect. EEE means let truth be. Good will follow, so a SOLUTION is posted to http://www.geocities.com/paneagle7/americasolution.html
AIDS, HEALTH - Strongly punish anyone passing on Aids through sexual force, or drug usage. Create a strict world policy of ONE WOMAN, ONE MAN PARTNERING. In Africa, this is especially necessary. The isolation or elimination of Aids Offenders may sound harsh, but these are walking killers, but drastic measures are needed. The armed militia using children as fighters and terrorism must be stopped. The governments of Africa are ineffective. United Nations must win this war. PANDEMICS are also much more likely in war and strife ridden zones. Poverty builds poverty, just as good builds good. We must find economic ways to invest and return with ratiocination (relative rates of return on necessary supply) and educational motivations such as the COMPUTER FOR EVERY CHILD programs recently working in third world countries and in America too.
CONSCIENCE AND POLITICS - We spend more money on electing officials than we do on saving our environment. Media, Government, and Business are major players. Politicians talk and raise votes, taking money from private interest groups for personal gain. The issues are hardly dealt with. In fact, we could shift elections to pure electronic voting, and enter the new Millenium. We could vote on issues as a whole populus, rather like the original greek model did. They never allowed an official more than a short stay in office. True conscience is never self-engrandizement. This year the entire electoral process should be re-evaluated. Why not invest the money in charity, investment and research. It would probably be a lot more valuable for all.
RELIGIONS IN CONFLICT - Spirituality is more than religion, and religion should serve spirituality, not the other way around. Islam, Moslem, Hindu, Sik, Jew, or Christian thought rules most nations. If generic spiritual trust is to be realized, we must also allow inherent religious preference, and provide true freedom of religion worldwide. This open invitation to religions to stand down, and those using the name of God. Allah, or any other God-name to make war or violence. It is clear that no God and even atheists could see harm to others is not an act of God. Death may be inevitable, but it is not forced. If true to God and Love, violence is not condoned in any form. How do we speak to those who disagree. Let them speak to us. Let them proclaim and perhaps then they will then see the light. Non-conflict is the way of spirit, and the unity of true plans and real goals must include religious freedom for all.
INTEREST BANKING - Today, the rich outgain the poor almost 2 to 1. This is its highest level ever. That means every 2 dollars a rich person has is equal to the 1 dollar we all share. We are millions, while they have the millions, and the poor have pennies on the dollar. The capital system is built on interest banking. The rich re-invest the funds and growth rates of rich vs. poor increase. It is geometric progression with no end limit. Eventually the rich must see they must reinvest in the common welfare, or lose the planet to environmental degradation, physical and and psychological stress. Our solution (see the energy investment subsidy (EIS) is to have eyes (EIS) to see. We must ban together as a whole against the few, who elect officials and politicians to cover them, military protective security to ensure their safety and continued interest banking supply. How to fight is to non-conflict, the same as in religious differences. Accepting capital gain, we can also see interest banking must re-invest the lower end, to provide a circle of returns which will benefit them, the planet, economics, and freedom. This all works together.
OUR REAL SOLUTION - Really it is the same one for all. Conscience and Consciousness must be educated. There is a time to know love and spirituality worldwide. That time is always. The disease is alwyas dis-ease. People must see who they are. We must allow, accept, and acknowledge. We must try no force, no fear, no fury. We must know the graces including gratitude, acceptance, and economy. We must fully integrate honesty into our efforts and concerns. We must see integrated economics and integrated unity of purpose, to live one family of man, accept individuality, preferences, and necessity, while working for the good of the whole. Our solution is simply the universal one. We live in one world, in one universe. However complex it may seem, it usually is the simplest thing. We can simplify it all down to love.
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